Most Holy Redeemer Church
Most Holy Redeemer Church is a historic Roman Catholic Church situated in the locality of Belthangady. It is one of the oldest Churches in the region and has a rich history of over 136 years.
This Church is the spiritual home to over 610 families with a population of over 2800 members. The Church has started several institutions of which the Holy Redeemer English Medium School, Church Higher Primary School – Kannada Medium and the Holy Redeemer Auditorium are noteworthy.

Parish Clergy
Fr Walter D'Mello
Parish Priest, Most Holy Redeemer Church, Belthangady
Fr Clifford Simon Pinto
Principal, Holy Redeemer School, Belthangady
Parish Council
My Dear Parishioners,
The Most Holy Redeemer Church Belthangady stands unique in the history of the Diocese of Mangalore. It is to note that parishioners of Belthangady have made the most valuable contribution to the promotion of faith in the Diocese of Mangalore.
It is providential that I am posted as the parish priest of this historic parish. Also, I see God’s hand in this posting because I had the good fortune of beginning my first pastoral mission in this very church 39 years ago soon after my Ordination. I consider this as my singular privilege.
I am happy to use this platform to voice the vision of the parish viz formation of a vibrant Parish Family– a family in the footsteps of the Holy Family of Nazareth. A family has to be built on the strong foundation of teachings of Christ viz. Love, forgiveness, self sacrifice, co-operation, unity and harmony. No family should be disintegrated because of difference of opinion among members of the family. God has created us different from each either- each one unique physically, mentally, emotionally spiritually in our attitudes and aptitudes, goals and ambitions. That is the beauty of creation. We as humans need to forge unity in diversity. We make progress only when we live in harmony despite our differences and uniqueness. Family is the basic unit of society to practice the commandment of our Lord- to love one another. Parish is the extension of our families. Our mission, therefore, is to live as one unique parish family characterized by love for one another, self sacrifice and forgiveness. Let us make the prayer of St. Francis Xavier as our own:
Lord make me an instrument of your Peace.
Where there is hatred let me show love.
Where there is injury, pardon.
Where there is doubt, faith.
Where there is despair, hope.
Where there is darkness, light.
And where there is sadness, joy.
Our parish is all inclusive with each and every parishioner, young or old, poor or rich, educated or uneducated, man or woman and not just the parish priest and the parish council. Playing his/her own part in the parish life. No one is excluded. Each one has a role of his/her own and God expect us to play our respective role well.
The parish website is an instrument to achieve our objectives. Keep in touch with parish life by visiting the website as regularly as possible and encourage others too. A number of parishioners are in various places in India and abroad and this website will provide updates of the day to day activities and projects of the parish and all parishioners, spread all over the world, will get access to the parish life instantly.
Please participate actively in the liturgical and non-liturgical events in the parish as members of one family and give constructive suggestions and appreciation. Let us together build a strong and vibrant Parish Family. Finally, let us not ask “what the parish has done to me” but let us ask “what I can do to the parish”
With Love and regards,
Yours in Christ,
Father Walter D’Mello
Parish Priest
Church Institutions
Holy Redeemer English Medium School
Officially recognised as a religious and linguistic minority institution by National Commission for Minority Educational Institution, Government of India.
Church Higher Primary Kannada Medium School
Established in 1940, this School has an illustrious history during which it has imparted quality education to thousands of students.
Holy Redeemer Auditorium and Mini Hall
Well equipped modern Auditorium and Mini Hall which has all the amenities to host and celebrate all kinds of events.